London based Expressionist Artist Kerry Zacharia London based Expressionist Artist Kerry Zacharia
London based Abstract Expressionist Artist Kerry Zacharia London based Abstract Expressionist Artist Kerry Zacharia​
London based Artist Kerry Zacharia​ London based Artist Kerry Zacharia​London based Artist Kerry Zacharia​London based Artist Kerry Zacharia​
'London in Different Dimensions'
Solo Exhibition (2018)

Featured: “The Change City View” (2015)
Artist Kerry Zacharia proudly presented her first central London solo art exhibition near St Paul’s Cathedral, from 20th March to 13th April 2018. The theme for the show was London, entitled “London in Different Dimensions”. The exhibition was hosted by The Salvation Army at their International Headquarters within their Gallery 101 space.
The exhibition was very well received by the public with some remarkable comments such as 'people should pay to see this' and 'this belongs in the Tate Modern'. Many visitors had also been to see the Picasso exhibition at the Tate Modern. Kerry was particularly happy to see that her art uplifted people's spirits and that she inspired those who saw it.
Kerry succeeded in her aim to engage her audience in a very decisive way with her expressive and highly individual graphic line style, she took them on a journey through familiar urban scenes of this great City of London. They experienced how her everyday life, inspired by simple and uplifting sometimes spiritual moments, had been turned into a unique collection of paintings. The instant connections were formed, especially when closely observed by her audience they were guided by the energy of her lines, allowing mysteries to unfold and thus making the whole experience of viewing her art ‘different’.
In conjunction with this exhibition, Kerry has been fundraising to raise awareness and money to help support the great work of The Salvation Army in two key areas; homelessness and modern slavery. People who engaged in her fundraising are entitled to a generous 20% discount off buying her original art for a year . Overall, Kerry raised £1,207.50.
Gallery 101, The Salvation Army International Headquarters,
101 Queen Victoria Street, London, EC4V 4EH.
Exhibition Press:
Televised Interview PikTV Cyprus "Cypriots of the World" (May 2018)
Interviewed by Tom Cox for 'The Art in Our City' Focus London 19 March 2018
A Day in the Life of an Artist by David Emmanuel-Noel (March 2018)